Lots of people don’t know about this but your hands show how old you are. you should have to keep your hands and feet looking young if you want to keep your age a secret. You have to indulge in regular mani-pedi sessions to maintain your nails. It is also in fashion now to do your manicures and pedicure. how to do manicures and pedicure
These are the following steps for manicure and pedicure
Cleaning nails
If you have any nail paint on your nails so, first of all remove it with nail remover.
Step 2
Shape your nails
File and shape your nails weekly with a good filer.
Step 3
Cutical care technique
In this step you can take a bowl and put some warm water int , then put some liquid soap and then put your fingers in this bowl for 10 to 15 minutes. After this you can remove your dead skin in better way.
Step 4
Nail oil and buff
after the 4th step you can apply some oil on your hands and feet to give them some moisturizer.
Step 5
Exfoliating correctly
Exfoliate your hands and foot with file and massage scrub on it.
Step 6
Massage for manicure and pedicure
After all these steps you can massage on your hands or feet.
Step 7
Final manicure and pedicure
Lastly, after applying all these steps you can apply nail paint on your feet. This is how to do manicures and pedicures