Following are the most trending colors of 2023 which are in fashion
- Viva Magenta
Viva magenta is the most trending color of 2023. As we are inspired by nature a lot. That’s why we also like this one because it is a natural color. this is a bold color and mixture of red and shocking pink. As the winter season is on the head so this bold color looks so good in this season. The most trending colors of 2023.
- Lavender
Lavender color is also in fashion in 2023. It is a very beautiful color like mauve. It is a type of plant and it is found everywhere. This color is named after this plant. It is not only used in gardens but is also used in food and medicines. Sometimes its dry petals are also used in wedding decorations. Its flowers are used in vases on venue tables.
- Tranquil Blue
Tranquil blue is also a very trendy color for 2023. It is like soft blueberry blue. This color is used in clothes and paints and many other things. It is considered as a very calming color because it is very close to nature. That’s why it is known as the color of the year 2023.